Lab hangout at the Armory

Lab hangout to say Goodbye to Ruiyang and Rita. Wish you two all the fun at your new jobs

Congrats to Dr. Ruiyang Liu

Our kidney disease expert has recently graduated and can now proudly call herself Dr. Liu! Congrats Ruiyang!

Driver paper is in NIH news release

Enjoy the read “NIH unveils comprehensive proteogenomic dataset to help cancer researchers unravel molecular mysteries!” here.

CPTAC also released news about a suite of pan-cancer papers. Read here

Driver paper is out!

Our pan-cancer driver study is now published in Cell! This study provides a multi-omics analysis-based resource across ten cancer types from more than 1,000 patients and uncovers pan-cancer insights into shared oncogenic driver mechanisms and pathways. Salient observations demonstrate the value of comprehensive proteogenomics in understanding the functional states of oncogenic drivers and their links to cancer development. Talented artist Jessica Johnson created a stunning candidate cover image. Huge congrats to the driver team!

Methylation paper is out!

What can tell an epigenetic driver from noise? The key is proteomics! Dive into our Pan-Cancer methylation paper, just released in Cancer Cell. We have leveraged the power of the CPTAC multiomic dataset to identify aberrant DNA methylation with concurrent transcriptional and translational changes across 7 cancer types. We have pinpointed the lineage-specific epigenetic drivers and methylation subtypes, illuminating how DNA methylation affects cancer genes and tumor phenotypes. Shout out to the methylation team! Enjoy the paper here

Kelsey joined our lab

Kelsey decided to extend her rotation for another 4 years! We hope you’ll have a smooth PhD in our lab.