Steven came to visit!

After more than a year of not seeing people in person, the lab gathered for some sushi at Drunken Fish to celebrate several milestones! Steven visited us from Delaware along with Miriam and baby Parker! We also held our first in-person project meeting as well in Li’s office!

Austin joins the lab!

In a rare full 100% of cameras on via Zoom, Austin announced he’s joining us. Welcome Austin!

Dinglab Korean bbq!

To celebrate several student milestones, a few of us went for korean bbq at WuDon. Congrats all (you know who you are)!

Our GBM paper was selected to the cover of Cancer Cell!

Paper link:

Great job and congrats to everyone who participated in this landmark project!

This study was led by Wash U as part of the CPTAC consortium under the leadership of Li and Bobo.