Congratulations to graduate student Kuan and co-authors! Their work "Proteogenomic integration reveals therapeutic targets in breast cancer xenografts" has been published in Nature Communications! (link)

WashUScience Daily, and Genome Web have covered this ground-breaking work.

Figure 1: Modelling human breast cancer with patient-derived xenografts (n=24). 

Figure 1: Modelling human breast cancer with patient-derived xenografts (n=24). 

(back row, L-R) Shunqiang Li, Sherri R. Davis, R. Reid Townsend(front row, L-R) Li Ding, Kuan-lin Huang

(back row, L-R) Shunqiang Li, Sherri R. Davis, R. Reid Townsend
(front row, L-R) Li Ding, Kuan-lin Huang

Kuan-lin Huang, Shunqiang Li, and Philipp Mertins contributed equally to this work.